Everything begins with the Mind

Everything begins with the Mind

Everything begins with the Mind


The closed, unteachable mind thinks:

It is true because I believe it to be true.  It is false because I believe it to be false.

The open, teachable mind thinks:

I believe it to be true because it is true.  I believe it to be false because it is false.

  • If you understand this, you probably don’t need to read any further.
  • If you’re unsure, stick with me a while longer.
  • If you’re don’t, then I encourage you to read on.

It is not my intention to pronounce judgment on which is right or which is wrong but to explain the outcomes and let you decide.

Allow me to explain:

The closed mind has a pre-conceived idea of what the truth is or will be.

The open mind goes searching for the truth whatever it may be.

The unteachable mind either rejects the truth outright or tries to fit it into its preconceived ideas.

The teachable mind assimilates the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may be at first.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”  Albert Einstein

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”  The Dalai Lama

My Nanna always said, “You have one mouth and two ears, and you should speak and listen in that proportion.”

Let’s take a hotly debated topic in the world at the moment:

Is Donald Trump a good or a bad President?

Imagine a committee made up of all the various factions got together and established a set of criteria by which a President should be evaluated.

Then an independent committee meets and evaluates Trump by those criteria.  The results are in and they’re indisputable.




The closed mind so blindly supports Trump that it’s NOT even willing to consider it.

The closed mind so blindly hates Trump that it’s NOT even willing to consider it.

The open mind may love Trump but is willing to consider it.

The open mind may hate Trump but is willing to consider it.

The unteachable mind so blindly loves Trump that it won’t accept the facts.

The unteachable mind so blindly hates Trump that it won’t accept the facts.

The teachable mind may love Trump but is willing to accept the facts. The teachable mind may hate Trump but is willing to accept the facts.

The closed mind does not consider anything outside of its existing state.

The open mind does.

The open mind can still be unteachable i.e. it will consider something but reject it even when presented with the facts.

The open mind can be teachable i.e. it will consider something and assimilate it when presented with the facts.

The closed mind does not adapt to a changing world and runs the risk of ending up bitter and resentful.

The open, unteachable mind is aware of the changing world but lives in denial – running the risk of ending up in the same place.

The open, teachable mind is aware of the changing world and adapts to it even though it may be uncomfortable at first.

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